Beer With a Mom Chaser . . . hmm, as a headline by itself, it could mean several things to different people. Add in an image and . . . I know some of you are thinking, down a few icy cold beers and pick up a hot M.I.L.F. in a bar and take her home.
Nothing could be further from the truth as you’ll soon discover in today’s marketing lesson as I reveal the subhead to the headline – ‘Beer With a Mom Chaser”.
“Beer With a Mom Chaser”
When a swerving car almost side swiped her, then sped away Amanda Bourque – nearly 9 months pregnant, decided to stop a driver she believed was drunk.
On a hot, sunny day in early June 2008, Amanda Bourque was cruising west along Riverside Drive in Tecumseh, Ontario in her blue Pontiac firebird.
With the subhead, it ties in with the headline as well as then setting up for the rest of the story/article and it’s a HUGELY successful style when it comes to selling your products and services, which I will show to you in a moment . . . after I reveal what happened with a mentoring client on Monday.
My client, Lenny, had sent me, his email copy which he was going to use to sell his 6 week webinar series. This is what he said.
“Hey Trev,
Thanks again for the great work you did to my landing page sales letter. Awesome stuff! I’m wondering if you could glance over my first few broadcast emails to let me know if you think I’m on track at all from a template and message standpoint.
Let me know your thoughts, thanks!!!
I opened each email, with a view of tweaking them for him, however what I read sucked harder than a hooker on the strip in Vegas. It wasn’t copy I could tweak, so I sent off a quick reply.
“Hey Lenny, I’ve read the emails. I got about as excited as a death row victim being strapped into the electric chair. Hit me up on skype or call my skype when you get a moment.”
Lenny called me and wanted to know just how badly his email copy sucked. When you ask me that and even if you don’t . . . I’m going to give it to you right straight between your eyes like a sledge hammer smashing a pea. I could just vision Lenny, bracing himself on the other end of the call, butt cheeks clenched tighter than a straight man who wandered into a gay bar by accident.
To Lenny’s credit and one aspect I admire about him, he doesn’t takes my blunt, brutal honesty personally and he listens, then implements.
I said, Lenny, what you’ve written has some good points however it’s like a hamburger with the lot except you left off the meat patty. In other words, you’ve left the good stuff out and you’re copy is very clinical/sterile. You need to inject your personality into your copy, tell stories and tie the offer into your story. I then asked Lenny if he tells stories when he’s speaking on stage. Yes was his reply.
I replied . . . then you simply need to transpose those into your email copy and then I gave him other at least 3 other tips on how to ‘find the story’ when writing. The one angle I spent some time on, is what’s know as ‘Time and Place’, which is your marketing lesson here.
Time and place when used in your copy or verbally, creates vivid images due to being descriptive and also reveals specifics. This helps hook your readers/audience into your message and compels them to keep reading which results in sales.
I’ve included some examples below for you.
Discover What Reader’s Digest Can Teach You About Headlines and Opening Sentences
I was reading John Caples classic book ‘Tested Advertising Methods” and one of the articles really hit me between my eyes. It was lessons from Reader’s Digest and Caples said, the lessons to be learned from the style of the Reader’s Digest were as applicable ‘today’ as when he first taught them.
Caples quoted 25 titles and opening sentences of the articles in the Reader’s Digest issue of July 1995 and noted how many reflected at least of of his six success formulas.
1. Interrupting Ideas
2. The Shocker
3. News
4. Preview
5. Quotation
6. Story
I decided to test the theory of relevance for today, some 15 years later and I went to my public library on a rainy Sunday afternoon . . . in search of current issues of Reader’s Digest.
You will discover in my own research, how often the first sentence doesn’t beat around the bush. It gets straight to the point with a date . . . a time and a fact which expands on the title which is the ‘headline’ for the article.
Caples mentioned 15 years ago that Reader’s Digest editors, like all smart advertisers, do not change what works until they can beat their control or prove something works better.
Nothing should get changed because you may get tired of it (if it’s still working like gang busters). Everything though, is subject to change when it no longer works. Too often, entrepreneurs get tired of their adverts and marketing long before their customers ever do . . . which cost them sales.
DON’T YOU make these same mistakes.
21 Headlines and Opening Sentences For Today
I stopped my research at 21.
I’ve included the first 7 for you below.
Note: Some did have subheads which will be highlighted for you.
1. “Marriage Without Love”
Subhead line:
A tradition in some cultures, forced marriage is finding resistance among next generation Canadian’s who choose happiness first.
Sandeep loves being a Mom. Everyday the 34 year old assistance bank manager leaves her B.C. job no later than 5.30pm to meet her daughters aged 14 and 11.
2. “‘A’ is For Adult”
Going back to school as a mature student may be costly and frightening, but it can pay dividends.
Carole Snow, a private piano teacher with 3 kids, wasn’t satisfied with her life.
3. “Fear of Numbers”
Why do so many kids struggle with math?
The first time it happened, we were in Grade 11: Six or seven teenagers, in line at a doughnut shop. I felt an urgent tug on my sleeve. The boy behind me, was frantic as he couldn’t add up the coins in his pocket to pay for his doughnuts and asked for my help.
4. “Keeping Kids Safe on The Streets”
A parent’s guide to pedestrian safety and teaching your kids the rules of navigating the road.
Walking home from school, Kimberly Elliot-Voelkel did exactly as her parents had taught her.
5. “A Woman in Full”
After a horrific accident deprived her of her limbs, Daniela Garcia put her life back together again.
She walks confidently, with only a slight limp, through the halls of the children’s rehabilitation Institute in Santiago.
6. “100 Horses and Counting”
Susan Fyfe’s suitcase landed with a thud inside the front door of her spacious farmhouse near Sherwood Park Alta, a satellite community of Edmonton. It was 2am on a Monday in March and Fyfe was returning from a 5 day workshop in New Mexico.
7. Pre-headline:
As she watched her cruise ship sinking in Antarctic waters, one world traveler found herself on the ultimate adventure.
Lisa Paisola had spent almost 2 weeks aboard a cruise ship in Antarctica’s freezing temperatures, but she’d never felt cold like this. Huddled with 32 others in a metal lifeboat tossed by fierce wind, she held her breath each time the craft dipped into the ocean and was splashed by heaving waves.
How to Claim the other 14 headlines and Opening Sentences plus 2 more FREE Gifts.
You can get all 21 headlines and opening sentences plus 2 more free gifts, total value, $97 by heading on over to: and don’t sweat it, there’s nothing for sale, this is my gift for you.
“Dedicated to kicking your ass until you succeed.”
Trevor ‘ToeCracker’ Crook
PS. The owners of Reader’s Digest make mega millions and their proven formula has been working for decades . . . now it’s your turn. Claim your free gifts, which includes 21 proven headlines and opening paragraphs, Billion Dollar Marketing book and my profiling workbook which shows you how to profile your customers for maximum profits using the 11 questions you must get the answers to . . . otherwise, your cash flow will bleed like a pig with it’s throat cut . . . when it comes to sales. Head on over to and claim yours right now, while it’s fresh in your mind.